The Importance of Falling In LOVE ... and to keep free falling

' There is no salvation for the soul but to fall in Love ... ' ~ Rumi

Life without Love is like the most amazing fresh, coconut kefir ice cream sans a generous sprinkling of sliced almonds and juicy berries ! Not quite as lush a dessert without its delectable toppings ... Strawberries, raspberries , blueberries, chopped almonds and walnuts even ...  :)

As strongly as I've believed in the marriage of a ripe dessert and its toppings, I cease to jest when I stake a firm belief in partnership and the power of a team. Stepping beyond the confines of ones Identity and joining in with anothers Life Force. Being with another Empowered Soul, while Aligning to Serve each other, now that's a compelling paradigm to deliberately choose to experience.

I've witnessed the Power of a Team at work and in play. I recognize without doubt that as powerful as I may BE , I need the synergy of another person, or of an Aligned team to deliver something Greater. As Sadhguru mentions, to truly experience Synergy, a part of ourselves has to fall away and Surrender. Accommodating to your partner's needs is the beautiful price to pay to experience the Triumph of Love.

And if by some chance you pooh pooh what appears to be a poetic notion on my part, know that I'm not merely indulging in beautiful language and ideas.... 

Submitting to feelings of Love is what allow us to start to erase the rigid delineations of our own identity . Desiring to give in to the needs of your partner, and receiving Happiness from the Giving, is the Selflessness that's necessary. And both parties have to share this mindset lest it spirals downward into the trap of exploitation.

To really be in Love, you have to be Bigger than this concept of You . In fact, you have to Step out of being 'Mahira' or 'Steve' or 'Anne'. As Sadhguru mentions this desire for Freedom and Autonomy may really be a neurotic compulsion that allows us to remain self-centred.

If we were to Surrender, as a friend once claimed, we must do it like the ripe Mango that falls from the tree ... Something quite Sublime happens when you Fall in Love and allow yourself to Free fall with time ....

Below is a conversation with Sadhguru that I transcripted for your reading pleasure.

Mahira A.

' There is a certain Beauty for two Human Beings to Weave their Lives as One ...
See if you have to really be with somebody you have to give up a part of yourself in some way...
So the English expression Falling in Love is very Significant...

You can only Fall in it...
You can’t Stand in it.....
You can’t Climb in it....
You have to Fall into it...

Falling means some part of you has to go to accommodate another....
Which is a good thing for a human being to do that he doesn’t think too much of himself.
One who thinks too much of himself cannot be in a Love Affair.....
Somewhere you have to Surrender a Part of Yourself to be in a Love Affair ...
In that Sense, it’s a very Beautiful Thing ......

That is why in India when we got people married we tied what we call a MangulSutra.

Today it is just a thread, a ritualistic thread. But that is not how it originally started. There is a way of taking a strand of energy from you and from your partner and tying it up in a certain way so that beyond your logic, beyond your understanding, beyond your psychological, emotional and physical needs, somewhere deep inside two beings are tied together...Two Lives are tied together....So a lot of people can’t understand how these two people are together because nothing seems to be common in them but still they are like One because on another level they are tied up.

This can happen because of the physical proximity and the intimacy of the whole relationship but even before you started, we have a whole technology as to how to tie up two lives together. So we always said this is a lifelong thing you cannot break it. If you break it you have to tear two lives apart, because it was not just an arrangement, it was a kind of a Union. If you listen to all the mantras sung in the weddings, they’re always talking about this. How two beings are being welded together......

So anyway you come from Bollywood and there was a time 30 years ago, 25 years ago when every song was talking 'Jaanam, Jaanam, Jaanam' ( translation 'Yes dear', Yes dear', 'Yes dear' ) yet now they're talking of expiry dates.

( He laughs )

So the whole context of relationships has changed which I feel is sad because the Profoundness of being with another Being has been Lost in the name of FREEDOM, in the name of CHOICE.
Actually you’re becoming horribly Compulsive.
It’s all about yourself.

When it’s all about yourself you will not know the Beauty of Life....

So these marriages which were done in a certain way, it is never about you.
It’s always about the other person.

Both people have to think like this.
It’s about the other person. 

It’s a Beautiful Place to BE.


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