* I am inspired to write this message because of a dream that came last night * GOOD CHRISTIANS WITH LUST ? Many good Christians who have done much for the Lord, who are precious to Him, who are mighty for Him ... still possess unconscious hooks of lust. In all their goodness.... They are still "hungry" for things of the flesh. They are still deceived by what is "seen". Being moved by the visual is a trait of the spirit of lust. And this spirit of lust ... gains quite a grip when it finds its home. It is POSSESSIVE. To say the least. Even in transformation, amidst an enduring holy life, the spirit of lust secretly maintains it's grasp. Crucifying the flesh, does indeed require prayer and fasting. Fasting is not something to be done once a month or once a year. Indeed the fasted lifestyle, is one that is a DAILY exercise. Daily, we crucify the flesh. Daily, we limit the intake of the desire of the flesh. Daily we feed our physical bo...