Put them First
The Tongue has the Power of LIFE and death, and those who love it will Eat its Fruit. ~ Proverbs 18:21 One thing Holy Spirit told me to do a few days ago is to pray for my husband daily ... Wow ! It's awesome what happens... Pray for your husband or wife daily ... Even before going into deep prayer for yourself, pray for your loved one first ... And if you are miffed, hurt or upset with them, put that offence aside ... Pray for them with all your heart, that they are mightily blessed. That they receive every desire of their heart and be conformed utterly into His image, resplendant with every spiritual gift. The Lord wants to see that we can truly put another first before our own needs. Will the release of pride allow us to build up someone else before ourselves? Can we display the Compassionate Heart of our Father ? Can we be like YESHUA, who gave it all away ? INVEST in the one who is right next to you. Release His Pearls upon him or her. Let your tongu...