
Put them First

The Tongue has the Power of LIFE and death, and those who love it will Eat its Fruit. ~ Proverbs 18:21 One thing Holy Spirit told me to do a few days ago is to pray for my husband daily ... Wow ! It's awesome what happens... Pray for your husband or wife daily ... Even before going into deep prayer for yourself, pray for your loved one first ... And if you are miffed, hurt or upset with them, put that offence aside ... Pray for them with all your heart, that they are mightily blessed. That they receive every desire of their heart and be conformed utterly into His image, resplendant with every spiritual gift. The Lord wants to see that we can truly put another first before our own needs. Will the release of pride allow us to build up someone else before ourselves? Can we display the Compassionate Heart of our Father ? Can we be like YESHUA, who gave it all away ? INVEST in the one who is right next to you. Release His Pearls upon him or her. Let your tongu...

The Shemitah : Do Prophetic Warnings always Manifest ?

When a Prophetic Warning is given of potential disaster, and great masses are successfully roused to pay heed and repent as well as intercede. Yet on the heralded day ... nothing appears to happen. Is this a FAILURE or a VICTORY ? The end of the Shemitah, Elul 29 fell on Sep 13.  A major disaster did not appear to occur. I would attest that this is indeed a Victory. 1) In the eyes of those who are sensitive to the unseen, the result of this massive global warning released through the media to repent and pray is recognized. THIS IS A VICTORY. Our collective Prayers are powerful. They have had their effect on an important day. Our Father in Heaven responds to our passionate cries. *Also bear in mind that the Lord is sovereign, at times He chooses to move and act in incalculable ways that we will only understand at the appointed time that He allows. 2) In the eyes of those who want to be right , the messenger from God Failed. He is attacked and mocked, with voices...

Complete Forgiveness has no Fear.

Complete Forgiveness has no Fear For it is Sanctified in Grace. Complete Forgiveness brings LIFE. And Life more Abundant. Forgiveness is so fruitful in nature, it does not arrive alone. It walks alongside others that delight. TRANSFORMATION treads closely with it. And Wisdom gravitates where Forgiveness is found. Then there is Peace ! It's intimate friend. :) For Forgiveness knows liberation well. For those with the eyes to see, this liberation is witnessed as a Release ... A MISSILE of FAITH that is catapulted into the atmosphere. It blows up, discharging an explosion of FAITH in our Lord Jesus, in His Instructions and in all His ways. A simple believer ... now displays the nature of a Saint. Forgiveness is a weapon of SUCH GREAT POWER. It's Result and Outcomes are BEYOND OUR EXPECTATION AND IMAGINATION. So Forgive ... Let His Weapon detonate in it's MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF POWER. Forgive ... and LOVE AGAIN :) HALLELUJAH!!! Love, Ahava Sarah...

Forgiving includes Forgetting

Forgiving includes Forgetting Then he adds: "Their sins and lawless acts I will Remember No More." ~ Hebrews 10:17 The Lord has a memory of all things but once He has forgiven a past sin He wipes the slate clean and does not bring up the past again. I believe this is what the verse is saying. ... The choice to truly forgive comes first.  The Holy Spirit helps with the rest.

Marriage is Important to God

Christians divorcing on the grounds of fading love, personality differences, financial disagreements, even conflicting theologies, et ..... None these are reasons for divorce. I have been feeling very disturbed by the lack of regard I am seeing in the Body of Christ for the covenant of marriage. I'm seeing marriages break up for what I consider to be, flippant issues. Issues that can be resolved through forgiveness, prayer and intercession. We must remind ourselves that we have a Covenant Lord. We are the Bride of Christ. Marriage is at the Heart of His Kingdom. The Lord Yahweh takes the rite of covenant very seriously. Just as Unforgiveness is not an option in Christianity. Divorce should be regarded with a great fear of the Lord by all true believers. We are not of the world anymore. And we must cease thinking like the world. Rather than escaping marriage ... use the trials you have faced as a means of exploring a deeper level of forgiveness and


Dear Beloved friends and family, Something profound is happening this month.  SUCH DREAMS ! I had 2 dream encounters early this morning. The first was a MISSION.And the second was a TEACHING.  This occurred on the early morning of 3 Sep 2015. I hope they bless you! Love, Ahava Sarah. THE FIRST DREAM : MISSION  -  I was sent on a mission first by train and then by plane to the jungles in Asia for 1 day to ensure that a relative of mine who was hiding in the jungle in fear would receive his letter to be enlisted into the army! ( There are more details about this mission. ) THE SECOND DREAM : TAUGHT BY THE CLOUD OF WITNESSES  - I found myself in an ancient building built with the firm foundation of rock and stone. Here I met 2 teachers. The 1st man was stocky, light brown skin and had a roundish face. And the second man had a narrow face with a pointed chin. He was fairer and had dark hair. The 1st man seemed to hold great authorit...

ELUL - The King's Heart is so close I hear it Beating!

Hello everyone! :) We are currently in the month of ELUL. If you're not aware of this, we are now in a time of Holy refuge. The King is out in the Fields. He is easily accessible and anyone in the fields can approach Him. During this time He relates with us in a more open and compassionate manner. This is a Holy time for He is out of His hidden abode, where He dwells in the thick darkness. " Then spake Solomon, Jehovah hath said that he would dwell in the thick darkness. ~ 1 Kings 8:12" He has come to be amongst us radiating His warm light generously upon our cheeks! He is my Beloved and my Beloved is mine . The King is in the Field ... He is HERE ! His Heart is so close I hear it beating! :) This is a momentous time. Above all this is a time of Soul Searching. REPENTANCE. For each one of us. It's time to look deep within, to review and drop into repentance not only for ourselves but for our nation and for THE LAND. *If you feel you have...